Friday, 16 October 2015

Theme Thursday: Sun Flare

It's baaaaa-aaaack! This time at Micaela's, the theme for the week is sun flare, and I just happened to have this picture of my middle sister from our photo shoot earlier in the week.  I even did the hazy light flare on purpose!  #nofilter

But let's just say for argument's sake that I wanted a bigger, brighter, more obvious flare.  You can add it in post-production with fancy Photoshop brushes, overlays (I picked up some free ones from one of my affiliates at some point), and your fave-fave-favorite, PicMonkey!

Shiny! Chrome!

This used the lens flare effect at 50% size and about the same for fading.  Playing around with the effects can get you all kinds of awesome, but you can only get Lens Flare and several other rockin' tools with a membership.  You can always try it out first for free if your'e not sure it's worth it.  But if you edit photos as often and as passionately as you do, the flat rate yearly free is an absolute steal.  If I can afford it, anyone can!

P.S.  Signing up by clicking on the affiliate link above will earn me a modest share of their income.  So think of it as photo fun and blogging support.  ;)

Linking up with California to Korea for Theme Thursday.


  1. 1. Absolutely stunning. Your sister is beautiful and the photo is gorgeous.

    2. I heart PicMonkey. The paid subscription is 100% worth it.

    3. The have an AFFILIATE program. Amazing!

    Thanks for linking up, Christie!

    1. THANK YOU! The affiliate program is through Share A Sale; wish it were through PicMonkey itself, that would be easier. Thanks for hosting! xx


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