Wednesday, 9 September 2015

Yarn Along

I decided I'd better make a hat for Afon after all Roan's bonnets.  He likes to "make socks" with my yarn and get it tangled.  When I crocheted baby booties, he tries to stuff his own ginormous feet in them, which is humorous and half guilt-inducing, because the poor baby obviously thinks (or wants, if he doesn't think) my labors to be for him.

I let him pick out the yarn.  "This one or this one?"  They were two same colors from Roan's bonnets.

He echoed, "This one," and sort of gestured toward the mustard color (which, by the way, is not a very nice name for such a luscious hue).

It's way too big, so I've got to pull out the rounds and redo them.

I'm still in The Queen of Air and Darkness from The Once and Future King.  There's more time to throw myself into reading and crochet since Afon started school on Monday, but a heavy, sniffly cold keeps me subdued.


  1. It is a lovely colour! I always think 'mustard' doesn't sound very nice to describe the colour. :)

    1. It just sort of surprised me when I looked at the label! I wasn't expecting "mustard."

  2. What a beautiful blog you have!
    I joined in Yarn Along with week for the second time, I'm brimming with inspiration and books to read now. It's a lovely little community.
    'Mustard' doesn't do it justice at all does it?
    Hope you feel better soon.

  3. Get better soon so you can fully enjoy the first few wonderful back to school days ;-)
    Lovely colour - and I like mustard!

    1. Haha, I guess I was expecting it to be called "goldenrod" or something. ;)

  4. Such a beautiful glowing colour! And I enjoyed your little tale about a conversation with little people :-)

    1. "glowing" is a good way to describe it! :)

  5. Pretty blog, pretty yarn color, pretty photo!

  6. Aw, its so nice to have a little one admire your work so. Great color for the season!

    1. Haha, yes, it is sweet when you put it that way!

  7. What a beautiful color, I agree, "mustard" just sounds so drab and sour, not warm and rich like your yarn! I hope you feel better soon!

    1. Thank you! It is a very seasonal color, isn't it?

  8. I love the colour, hope he enjoys the hat!


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